This is my blog for day 6 of cancer treatment, Saturday, 15 Jul 2017.
I slept well last night, without getting up more than two times to shed the remainder of the water and IV fluids I received.
One of the side-effects of the chemotherapy drug I'm receiving is hearing loss, temporary or permanent, in the higher sound ranges. I think I'm beginning to have that. Things sound a little muddy . . . at least different than they should. We'll see, I guess.
Another side-effect is a general tiredness. I suppose I should expect it with the chemo, but it seems pretty bad to me, right now.
One good side-effect of being "lazy" - Nancy and I watched the movie "Loving" earlier today. This film is about an interracial married couple who were arrested in Virginia for breaking a law: seems that you could not marry outside your race back in the early 60's due to that state's anti-miscegenation statute (here's a link to the Wikipedia page on the subject). They had not married in Virginia, but had gone to Washington, DC. Still, they could not reside together as man and wife. I won't give away the rest of the story.
With the way people live together outside of marriage, with same-sex marriage, and all of the associated nonsense the world is throwing at us nowadays, the "Loving" story seemed almost quaint. Best part of the film, though - where Mr. Loving, bring a bricklayer by trade, builds his family a home. In real life, the poor man was killed by a drunk driver at forty-two. Should have been a far better ending for someone of his type. His simple argument to his attorney: "tell the [Supreme] Court I love my wife, and it is just unfair that I can't live with her in Virginia."
To end the day, another in a series of Mark's Favorite YouTube songs, albeit without much of a video: Looking At The World Through A Windshield as done by the one and only Bill Kirchen (here).
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