Monday, October 27, 2008

Post 22 of 30 :: Joe's Sayings

Years ago, I worked at a factory that made automotive chemicals. It was an interestng experience, to be sure; one that taught me both how things should be run, and how people should be treated, and how things should not be run and how people should not be treated.

The plant manager was one of the most interesting people I had ever met - a real character. He had a number of funny sayings which I want to present. Now, remember, this was a factory setting, so some of the concepts embodied in these sayings might be a little rough (for younger or more sensitive readers . . . ha!). One thing about them, though, is I've rarely heard them used by anyone who didn't work at this place.

Saying #1 - for when surprised by something: "Holy Mother Cat!"

Saying #2 - for when surprised by something: "Holy Livin' Shit!"

Saying #3 - when the college kid (me) didn't do something right: "Send 'em to school, give 'em a book and they still don't know nothin'!"

Saying #4 - used in "woulda/coulda/shoulda" mode: "Yeah, and if your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle!"

I'm sure I'll remember a couple more in the near future. If so, I'll post an update. I just Google'd Joe's name and found a residential listing. Wonder if he'd rememeber me?

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