Thursday, September 20, 2012

Surgery :: Post 07

Wanted to provide the latest information regarding surgery, and, now, recovery and rehab. It's been over a week since surgery, with a lot of PT and OT (physical and occupational therapy, respectively). I have little or no pain, to speak of, and have taken no pain medication since arriving at Manor Care, my rehab center. I have developed a rash, and that's being treated with a steroid cream and (starting today) Benadryl.

The major good news for the past few days is that I was able to walk with a four-prong cane, not a walker, during yesterday afternoon's PT. I've also gone up a set of three steps, using both feet to lead, alternatively. OT consists of several balance "games" involving stepping on a rubber disk and doing various things to test my balance, which, so far, is good. So things are progressing well.

The dressings covering my incisions were removed this morning, and the nurse told me that they looked good. But neither stitches nor staples - looks like they glued me together! (I'm not making this up.) I'd like to look, but I don't think I going to. I guess I might be stitched up inside. Won't know until I go to the doctor on the 27th.

So, for now, all things are looking good! Can't wait to get home!

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