Sunday, September 30, 2012

Texas :: Quotations

I think these stand on their own!

"Good judgement comes from experience, and a lot of that comes from bad judgement."

"Always drink upstream from the herd."


From the site Washington Apple Pi found here.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Surgery :: Post 10

I have only one thing to say . . . I'm home!!!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Surgery :: Post 09

Yes! It's true - I am going home tomorrow! While my time here at the rehab center has been well-spent, getting in shape for returning to work, I am sooooo ready to go home.

I went to the doctor today, with all indications that I am recovering very well. The circulation in my legs is good, so no more TED hose (those white stockings that help protect against blood clots). They also took an x-ray of my pelvis and I got to see the prostheses in place. Quite interesting . . . in a creepy sort of way.

I still have to respect the "hip precautions" that are in place for the newly operated-upon (no crossing the legs at the ankles while laying down, no pigeon-toed stance, no bending at the waist so that the angle between trunk and legs is less that 90 degrees) for the next three weeks, at least.

I can try to drive, but whether I can depends on whether sitting in the car breaks the precautions. I'll see about that this weekend, or early next week. And until I can drive to work, I'm still on short-term disability. No working from home.

The other good thing - I will play with Sing-A-New-Song the second Sunday in October.

In any case, tomorrow, at 11:00 AM, Nancy will arrive and I will depart! Yippee!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Surgery :: Post 08

Hey there, sports fans! Yes, my jaunty mood may indicate to you that things are going well, and, well, you'd be right! I have graduated from a walker to a four-prong cane to a regular cane during the past few days. I went outside to walk today during PT, both on asphalt, on concrete, on grass, through gravel, over brick and over wood. (The rehab center has it set up specially for folks like me.) I still have little to no pain - just muscle soreness - and am ready to move to the next step: going home.

I have a discharge-planning meeting tomorrow and a doctor's visit on Thursday. Provided nothing major happens I believe my last day here will be Friday. I've been getting great care, but I can shower on my own, take care of all my personal grooming needs, dress myself, handle all toilet needs and get around my room and this facility without a problem. Heck, I even made my bed today (before the CNA did)!

Oh, and I learned something you can use in case you're hospitalized. Know those TV controls in each room, that self-contained changer and speaker in one? The one that only allows you to move one channel forward or one channel back at a time? The ones that are prone to having a bad volume control? If you can't get it to stay at the volume you want, because the speaker cuts out, just give that puppy a sharp tap and it'll work! I've had to do this numerous times during my stay at the rehab center. Just a helpful tip . . .

Thanks to everyone who has visited, sent a card, called, e-Mailed or has had me in their prayers! I hope to see you/talk to you at home next time!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Surgery :: Post 07

Wanted to provide the latest information regarding surgery, and, now, recovery and rehab. It's been over a week since surgery, with a lot of PT and OT (physical and occupational therapy, respectively). I have little or no pain, to speak of, and have taken no pain medication since arriving at Manor Care, my rehab center. I have developed a rash, and that's being treated with a steroid cream and (starting today) Benadryl.

The major good news for the past few days is that I was able to walk with a four-prong cane, not a walker, during yesterday afternoon's PT. I've also gone up a set of three steps, using both feet to lead, alternatively. OT consists of several balance "games" involving stepping on a rubber disk and doing various things to test my balance, which, so far, is good. So things are progressing well.

The dressings covering my incisions were removed this morning, and the nurse told me that they looked good. But neither stitches nor staples - looks like they glued me together! (I'm not making this up.) I'd like to look, but I don't think I going to. I guess I might be stitched up inside. Won't know until I go to the doctor on the 27th.

So, for now, all things are looking good! Can't wait to get home!

Monday, September 17, 2012

Surgery :: Post 06

I have been unavailable to provide any updates as the Manor Care router went down last week and has just today been put right. I arrived at Manor Care on Friday afternoon, around 3:30 PM, and have been through several rounds of PT and OT (physical/occupational therapy). I'm following all of the instructions provided by both the PT and OT personnel. I am feeling remarkably well, I think, and continue to have little pain. I'm not taking any pain medication at all, and have only one spot on my left leg that needs special attention. It feels like I have a charley horse, but is most likely the result of some part of the surgery.

I don't know how long I'll be at Manor Care, but want to take advantage of all they have to offer here. I've heard anywhere from one to three weeks, but am uncertain of any specific end date. My surgical dressings are scheduled to be removed on Thursday. The nurses and doctor continue to say they're healing well. After Thursday, the surgical wounds will be left open to the air for additional healing.

I see the surgeon on Thursday, 27 Sep 2012, when my stitches will be removed. I have two additional follow-up visits thereafter, approximately one month apart.

Thanks for your prayers, care and concern! I think that's the reason I'm doing so well! (I give the Power of Prayer a lot of weight!)

And I've got my PC connection to the world again!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Surgery :: Post 05

This is my first post-surgery update.

Tuesday's surgery went well, from my perspective. It was delayed 90 minutes as the person scheduled to go in front of me was late getting to the hospital. I woke up in the recovery room at about 5:00 PM and was taken upstairs to my regular room. Sleep was haphazard that first night, but pain was under control.

I had a course of radiation therapy on Wednesday morning, about 2 1/2 hours from start to finish. Physical Therapy (PT) started that afternoon. I had two more courses of PT today, and have one more scheduled for tomorrow. Other than weakness, I'm in good shape, with no real pain to speak of. I'm now standing on my own and walking with the help of a walker. After the two rounds of PT I sat in a chair for an hour; it's a welcome change from laying in bed.

I'm scheduled to be taken to Manor Care in Libertyville tomorrow, either late morning or early afternoon.

The surgeon spoke to me yesterday morning. He told me that my hips were pretty much fused in place, due to the arthritis, and it almost led to him doing only one of the joints. Normally, he said, he dislocates the hips before cutting away the bone; in this case, he cut the leg bones while still in my body, and had to use every trick he knew to complete the surgery. Pays to have the best, I guess!

So now it's on to more PT. I'm much better able to move around than on Tuesday. Hopefully, improvements will continue at the same pace on into the near future!

Thanks to everyone for the prayers, kind wishes and compassion. I hope to return to normal living quite soon!

Monday, September 10, 2012

Surgery :: Post 04

Here I am, the day before surgery, and no head cold has manifested itself. I'd guess that there's precious little standing in the way of surgery, short of the doctor being unavailable.

I'm on for tomorrow morning at 11:00 AM.

Our pastor prayed over me with our Sing-A-New-Song band at church yesterday. It was exactly what the doctor ordered, I think. And as she prayed for God's Spirit to be with the doctors, nurses and caregivers at the hospital and rehab center, and with me, a thought came into my head - I prefer to think it was spoken to me - which said, "I am already with you." For those of you who don't believe in God, all I can say is I do, and believe that He was speaking to me.

Now I'm really prepared!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Surgery :: Post 03

Okay, I'm getting a little worried. I feel like maybe a cold is coming on. Or not. My nose is running, slightly, but it's clear. And it rained so the mold count is up. But if it's a cold, my surgery will be cancelled and re-scheduled. And that probably means one of the pints of blood will expire (only good for 42 days). And surgery can't come less than ten days after a blood donation.

Am I worrying too much?

On the "up" side, I've gotten a lot of things done at work, implemented or ready to be implemented when I return. So I'll at least leave a clean slate. Even wrote my own "out of office" memo to the application owners I support. For the next one to three weeks, nothing but emergency fixes.

Saw "Dreamgirls" tonight at Marriot's Lincolnshire Theatre. Nice way to relax in preparation for surgery. Quite the good performance!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Surgery :: Post 02

Less than a week to go. All doctor visits completed. Blood work and urinalysis A-OK. All dentist visits completed. New crown to be put in place Saturday morning. Three units of blood drawn for use in surgery, as necessary. Both classes taken. Rehab center contacted. Exercises continue.

Plus . . .

Deck staining completed. Garage cleaned. New screen door installed. Ceiling in family room painted. New carpeting in family room (I didn't install it, but I took the old stuff out, with help from Tim.) Front door painted. Door to garage, and frame, painted. Bills paid.

Plus . . .

Final roll-ins at work to be done tomorrow night. Paper completed for 1 Sep 2012 Expectation. Back-up application support arranged.

Plus . . .

attended final wedding (of five, this summer). Attended a dinner with my Bible Study group (got cards for each hip!). Had dinner with Nancy, dad, Jan and Bill for summer birthdays. Had Randy, Lori, Ron & Edie over. Made a nice big first one evening.

Plus . . .